Baldeschi, Autore presso Agriturismo Baldeschi
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Yoga in Perugia

From the 22nd to the 28th of April 2025

Join us for an unforgettable week of rejuvenation and self-discovery in the heart of beautiful Perugia, Italy. Co-led by Alexa, Jarod, and Natalie, three experienced and passionate yoga instructors, this retreat is designed to nourish your body, mind, and spirit through a blend of yoga, meditation, and cultural exploration.
Offering a blend of different yoga styles, workshops, excursions, come with us to get away for an immersive wellness experience. Engage your mind and body in our diverse yoga practices, tour the famous and historic city of Rome and the less traveled towns of the Umbria region of Italy all while exploring inward on your own spiritual journey and meeting great people along the way! In English



ASHTANGA YOGA RETREAT con Valentina Di Giovanni

From the 21st to the 23rd of March 2025

We are approaching the winter solstice during the winter months our bodies tend to become sluggish, hunger to increase and there is less desire to move.
The arrival of Spring, on the other hand, marks a rebirth for the mind, soul and body.
You know when you wake up in the morning, open the window and say good morning to the world? Here, imagine that Spring was just like that. A new Good Morning to the world.
We will celebrate the arrival of Spring together with Ashtanga Yoga practices, nature walks, good food, sauna, meditations and lots of relaxation. In Italian



Atemholen & Auftanken Yogaretreat in Umbrien

26. bis 30. März 2025

5 Tage Yoga & Entspannung im Herzen Umbriens Frische Luft, das Herz Umbriens, nahe Perugia und dem Trasimenischen See – all das erwartet dich beim Atemholen & Auftanken Yogaretreat im Agriturismo Baldeschi. Dieser einzigartige Ort verbindet die harmonische Ästhetik der Innenräume mit der Exzellenz des selbst produzierten Olivenöls. Umgeben von Olivenhainen, Ackerfeldern und Wäldern bietet das Anwesen eine ruhige Atmosphäre. Entdecke die Natur bei Spaziergängen, Verkostungen lokaler Produkte und Wildkräutersammeln, während du dein inneres Gleichgewicht durch Yoga und Entspannung wiederfindest. Hier vereinen sich Wohlbefinden, Kunst und Kultur zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis. Die Hügel mit Blick auf den Trasimenischen See schaffen eine reiche natürliche Umgebung, die es ermöglicht, dem Lärm des Alltags zu entfliehen und in die Ruhe der umbrischen Landschaft einzutauchen.



Fasting retreat

From the 6th to the 11th of June 2025

This retreat will enable you to regain your balance through a regenerating, detoxifying experience full of health benefits. The seminar lasts five and a half days in which we alternate between long, daily walks in the surrounding nature, Yoga and Tai Chi meetings and evening moments of sharing on Food Hygiene and the correct practice of fasting, during which we drink a vegetable broth prepared with organic vegetables. Conducted in Italian and French