Baldeschi Farm, olive oil, agritourism and wellness

A small estate, some extra virgin olive oil, two agritourisms on Lake Trasimeno, and a team dedicated to taking care of you.

Our History

The farm had already existed since the early 1900s under the ownership of the Baldeschi family, a noble Perugian family. Matteo’s father, Benedetto, had dedicated himself to it since the early 1980s, having the intuition to open up to tourism and transforming as many as two farmhouses into related agritourism facilities, carefully renovating them and making them responsive to the needs of the time.

Around 2010 Matteo began to help his father in the management and work of the farm, becoming more and more passionate about the world of extra virgin olive oil, until 2016 when his father Benedetto retired and Matteo became the actual owner.

Meanwhile, Matteo and Emma decided to make a family, Alessandro was born in 2015, and the three decided to move permanently to Umbria from Florence to better follow the business.

Over the years, the two began a gradual renovation of the farm with the planting of new specialized olive groves and the renovation of other areas of the farmhouse, which underwent a radical transformation.

In it was born first the oil storage and packaging room with its sales point, then the room for tastings and cooking classes by recovering the old Stalla degli animali, and finally the Sale di Sopra, an unused portion of the agriturismo that now has a yoga room, sauna, library, massage room and, where many of the works of painter Marialuisa De Romans, Matteo’s maternal grandmother, are exhibited.

The Baldeschi agriturismo thus becomes a place where art and olive growing meet, where the taste for simplicity but at the same time for beauty are tangible.

Fattoria del Rio di Sopra

Our team

As our services have increased, Baldeschi Farm has structured itself together with a group of fantastic collaborators in which everyone has precise and fundamental tasks.

The team consists of 2 people who take care of the reception and tastings, 4 people of the cleaning of the apartments and 2 other people who take care of the gardens and olive groves. For the kitchen part we have 2 cooks who manage our cooking classes and food service for retreats and workshops.

Our philosophy

We believe in the importance of all-round wellness. Our philosophy is based on harmony between man and nature, authenticity and attention to detail.

This is why we try to make our team happy to work with us so that they can collaborate with our company with love and passion.
This is the atmosphere we strive to convey to all our guests.